Bleeding4Metal Forum

Zombies => Falconer => Thema gestartet von: kailef am Januar 09, 2007, 11:05:20 Vormittag

Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: kailef am Januar 09, 2007, 11:05:20 Vormittag
Hey, everyone.  It's Kailef from Epic Rock Radio.  I haven't stopped by the Falconer forums in a while, but that doesn't mean I'm not still listening to you guys and playing you on the station!  :-)  Love the latest album, guys!  I still want you guys to make a sweeper for Epic Rock Radio one of these days.  Kriss was going to do one for us but didn't get around to it before he left the band.

Anyhow, can't wait to see what you guys do next.
Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: terroxxx am Januar 09, 2007, 02:55:17 Nachmittag
hi man, where can i listen 2 ur radiostation than?
Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: <Horus-Nikopol> am Januar 09, 2007, 04:25:41 Nachmittag, cf. his signature  :wink:
Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: kailef am Januar 10, 2007, 09:49:39 Vormittag
We've got all the Falconer albums on the station except for Northwind.... I ordered the CD but accidentally broke the disc before I uploaded it to the station.  Bah.  Never fear, though, I ordered the CD again and should have it up shortly.   :D

Sorry for being gone for so long - I've been really busy.  I haven't gotten over to any of the boards that I used to hang out at all the time.  I'll do my best to come around more often.
Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: cynic73 am Januar 13, 2007, 12:05:25 Vormittag
Hi Kailef, great to see your (ehum) familiar face here!
/cynic73 (falconer73 on ERR)
Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: kailef am Januar 28, 2007, 12:24:23 Vormittag
Hey, how ya doin'?

I didn't know anyone on the ERR forums came over here.  Cool to see you!
Titel: I miss the Falconer forums!
Beitrag von: terroxxx am Januar 29, 2007, 06:58:55 Nachmittag
Zitat von: "<Horus-Nikopol>", cf. his signature  :wink:

oh, i see:P

stupid me^^,