Bleeding4Metal Forum

Zombies => Metal & Talk (english) => Thema gestartet von: crusher310 am Januar 13, 2006, 11:11:51 Nachmittag

Titel: new movies
Beitrag von: crusher310 am Januar 13, 2006, 11:11:51 Nachmittag
so are there any good movies out right now.....i heard around my office at universal that the Bloodrayne movie's pretty good and i wanna check it out.  the Terminator 3 girl is supposed to look pretty hot in it.....any one seen it?  what'd u think
Titel: new movies
Beitrag von: Odin am Januar 14, 2006, 01:51:19 Nachmittag
I've not even seen T3 so far... nor many other recent movies, I guess. ;)

btw: Welcome aboard!
Titel: Re: new movies
Beitrag von: Souleraser am Januar 14, 2006, 01:53:40 Nachmittag
Zitat von: "crusher310"
so are there any good movies out right now.....i heard that Bloodrayne movie's pretty good and i wanna check it out.  the Terminator 3 girl is supposed to look pretty hot in it.....any one seen it?  what'd u think

Could Kristanna look any hotter than she did in T3?
I haven't actually seen "Bloodrayne" (yet), but I heard different opinions on it. Some liked the movie while others thought it was a waste of time.
Titel: its pretty good
Beitrag von: crusher310 am Januar 19, 2006, 02:36:21 Vormittag
i checked it out and i like it........good action