Autor Thema: Non smokers Fascisme  (Gelesen 6817 mal)


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« am: Dezember 17, 2004, 11:54:29 Nachmittag »
Non Smokers are the most Fascists i've ever seen!!! Imagine that in a room with 10 persons the 9 smokes and the 1 not. And this 1 person wants to plevail his opinion to the other 9!!!

NO!!! Democracy says that counts the opinion of majority!!!! (Majority is also and the power of the mighty... :wink: )

Whats your opinion?


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #1 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 01:22:42 Vormittag »
I don't smoke.

Most of my friends at school do.  Most of them are polite enough to think to blow the smoke AWAY from me.  Sometimes the smoke is unavoidable, and they don't get upset when I blow the smoke away from myself.  

What do I think of smoking?  I think it's gross and unhealthy, but no one has pressured ME to smoke, so why should I pressure them to quit?


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #2 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 01:40:58 Vormittag »
Then call me a facist!! Kill yourself  if you want but keep your smoke away from me!


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #3 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 02:35:56 Vormittag »
this day's we look like big criminals when we smoke. but ok i understand if someone dont like it, and i dont smoke when i visit someone who dont like the smoke, but in my house are mine Rulez! so if someone comes here and he or she dont like that i smoke, than get out of my house!
If someone have astma or someting else than i shouldnt smoke.


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #4 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 02:47:33 Vormittag »
In all seriousness. Smoking is  different than other  "bad habits". If you drink  too much while in the company of other people  you physically only hurt yourself. But if you  smoke around other people you are exposing them to your smoke which  can be harmful to them against their will.

In this country these days you are treated like a criminal if you smoke. The only place to do it is in the safety of your own home.

I used to smoke but I gave it up because my two children have asthma. Smoke around them is very bad, even just the smell on your clothes can make them sick. And I realize now that I am older that if I want to live  and be healthy there is enough bad things in the world that can make me sick I don't need to add to it by smoking!

K. Beckman

  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #5 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 07:47:08 Vormittag »
I only smoke when I drink beer. So the last time I had a cigarett was..... hm.....uh.....ööhh.... shit, I can't remember :evil:
I must go out more often :wink:


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #6 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 11:11:12 Vormittag »
Okay... I don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but atleast here in Finland, it seem's that non-smokers are seriously against smokers.
I have to say I don't think it's good. I'm a smoker by myself, but I always smoke in the balkong, or when outside, I'll see that there's no kids around, and try to avoid standing close to people when I smoke(except for smokers). I think it is my choice, do I smoke or not. And Metalmaiden, I dunno if I got it right from you, but atleast I don't want to smoke inside of my house... It'd mean I'd have to breath it all day and be sure I'd get a cancer before my thirties.
If people drink a lot, it only harms them, eh? I'd disagree with that. Some people have alcohol-violence link. Atleast finnish men ;D


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #7 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 11:25:13 Vormittag »
I am a smoker myself but I dont think this is fascism. Your freedom ends where the freedom of the other you cannot force the other to smeel the filth of cigarettes as well..Now in a company of 10 people where the 9 are smokers and the 1 is not...this is a strange situation indeed.


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #8 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 01:04:39 Nachmittag »
Phew, this one's a really tough challenge. I've always been a non-smoker (tried it once when I was younger (though not as young as most of the kids are who start smoking these days) but never could enjoy it). I live in a household of 4 people of which 3 are in fact smokers.
Most of my friends were or became smokers. In the breaks in school I usually hung out with the smokers, at work I didn't mind taking a little coffee break with people who smoked, in fact I usually enjoyed their company and they took care where they blew their smoke.
Yet, there's too much of course also. In Germany, smoking in office rooms is forbidden by law if there's one person working in that room who doesn't like it. And honestly, I think it is good. Fascist? Don't think so. It is impossible to work in an office which is constantly filling with the smell and smoke of dozens of cigarettes consumed during several hours. And opening the windows doesn't help that much.

Beyond that, I also think some tolerance of non-smokers could be helpful. It's a question of how much both sides are willing to compromise.


  • Gast
Re: Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #9 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 01:38:18 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "LightBringer"
Non Smokers are the most Fascists i've ever seen!!! Imagine that in a room with 10 persons the 9 smokes and the 1 not. And this 1 person wants to plevail his opinion to the other 9!!!

NO!!! Democracy says that counts the opinion of majority!!!! (Majority is also and the power of the mighty... :wink: )
Whats your opinion?

Smoking is dangerous to your health and to the health of those around you.
So, if I'm in a room with nine smokers it is my health that they are endangering and I will request that they stop to smoke.
If they don't, I usually treat it as an act of violence on their part and behave accordingly.

Imagine you are in a room with 9 other people. The nine other people are cannibals, you aren't. Democracy would dictate that the cannibals are allowed to enact their cannibalism and you as a minority happen to be the food.

See, when personal health is involved, democracy is not the thing to adhere to.
Quite differently, the personal health of those around you limit what you may do in their presence.



The Metal RN

  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #10 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 04:29:28 Nachmittag »
When you can control where the smoke goes than you can smoke where-ever you want.  I do not smoke never have, never will, but other people have the right to smoke. However they do not have the right to pollute my lungs. In that situation if I was the only one who did not smoke, I guess I would leave.


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #11 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 10:23:35 Nachmittag »
The right thing is to be smoke areas and non smoke areas. But i cant accept one person to plevail his opinion to the others. I also cant accept that smoking is a crime.

So many decades they had advertising campaigns about smoking. And now just so simply smoking is a crime? Why they didnt make smoking as an illegal from the start?


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #12 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 10:30:18 Nachmittag »
One of the most stupid things that exists, is these messages in the smoking packs. Like "smoking kills", "smoking causes heart attacks" etc etc.

And now they say that they will put photos in the cigar packets with people that died from smoking, their pneumones with nicotine etc.

Oh yeah???????????

Then put also pics with victims of air accidents in the air tickets, pics with people that died in a car accident in the bus tickets, and people that drowned in the boat tickets etc etc

ts ts ts ts...


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #13 am: Dezember 18, 2004, 10:35:08 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "LightBringer"
The right thing is to be smoke areas and non smoke areas. But i cant accept one person to plevail his opinion to the others. I also cant accept that smoking is a crime.

So many decades they had advertising campaigns about smoking. And now just so simply smoking is a crime? Why they didnt make smoking as an illegal from the start?

Pfff... smoking and non-smoking aerea's : pure crap !
My sisters owned a tea-room a few years back and they had to provide room for smokers and non-smokers ! As if the smoke they exhaled would stop at the sign 'non smokers' ??

My wife used to work in an office with another guy who was a smoker. She had to  wash her hair and change clothes every f***ing day ! The problem was : that other guy was ... her boss ! Thank God she now works alone in another office !
Though I am non smoker I believe the magic word in this whole discussion is courtesy !
I have many smoker friends and although I never asked for this, when they are in our house  they ALWAYS go out to the garden or the garage to smoke !
Now this attitude is the only right way to avoid discussions like these...


  • Gast
Non smokers Fascisme
« Antwort #14 am: Dezember 19, 2004, 12:25:22 Vormittag »
Hmmh.. Yeah, well... In a bar or in a cafe, the non smoker area and the smoker area CAN be in different parts, and with air-controlling machines (or what ever you call those machines) you can avoid the smoke from going to the non-smoker part. Atleast here in finnland, there are many bars and cafes, where the smokers area is in the second-floor.. so the smoke won't get down to the first floor...