@ all - yep, chocolate, cheese, mountains, banks and watches are all very typical Swiss things!
@ Mas - I have never heard of Zwitserse powder cheese or seen it in the grocery stores in Zurich or Basel! In looking it up on google, it seems to be a Dutch thing
I'll ask the husband when he gets home.
@ grym - It depends where you are, some places in Switzerland aren't cold at all! I'm in Basel (northwest Switzerland) and we rarely get more than just a dusting of snow and I don't own a proper winter coat - I'm able to get by with a thin leather and a hoodie underneath. The south, on the Italian border, is also pretty warm, particularly in the winter!
@ prab - One of the favorite things the Swiss enjoyed doing when I first moved here was getting me to pronounce several things in Schwyzertüütsch, including "Chäs-Chüechli" (cheesecake, or, more accurately a pseudo-quiche) and "Chuchichäschtli" (kitchen cabinet). Pity for them that I'd prepared myself and even got the guttural "ch" sound down, at least for these two words.
@ AoP - Soldiers on bicycles crack me up. As do the soldiers coming home for break, rifles slung on their back, waiting for their tram or bus. Sometimes they even just pile them up when there are a few together, half the time nobody even watches to make sure nothing happens to them!
@ Metal RN - The St. Bernards are no longer being used for search & rescue :( I read an article earlier this year that the monks that kept them up at the pass are adopting them out for winters, to be brought back in summer for the tourists to see.
Basel Laeckerli is hard and gross
If you guys ever come around the Basel way, let me know! We can offer some crash space to you two.
More to come..........