Most Brawny commercials feature a woman cleaning up messy spills with Brawny, while dad and kids look on. But not in this one!
Mom (played by Jimmy in drag): Oh no! Baby Stefan has spilled his cereal and juice all over the floor! This bargain brand wipe will never clean up this mess!
Baby Stefan (Played by Stefan's son): *cackles a baby cackle of glee*
Dad (played by Mathias): Fear not dear wife, for I have purchased BRAWNY paper towels, with 1 million times the absorption of those bargain wipes!
Mom (aka Jimmy in drag): I love it when my husband cleans! *swoon*
Baby Stefan: *gives a baby expression of disgust, then farts and giggles*
As Jimmy in drag Dad tears off a tiny corner of the Brawny towels, the jingle begins. The towel soaks up not only the mess, but also part of the linoleum floor because towels with 1 million times the absorption sometimes get a bit over-zealous.
The new Brawny jingle:
Messes made by the precious babe,
A thorn in the side of his parents for days
- No sanitation and no absorption is making the kitchen messy.
Yet the baby demands his food,
The uprising of tantrum grows every day.
- The messes, the liquid, the staining of carpets
Is a plague that must now come to end, once and for all.
Brawny Man
Hear the call now!
Fight grape juice's cold hand.
Brawny Man
With a strong hand!
Cast off your chains of the baby's messes!