Autor Thema: (very) Random Musings  (Gelesen 7894 mal)


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« am: Oktober 20, 2004, 05:18:29 Vormittag »
I wonder what the world would be like if humans had a chewey, caramel center.

Biology would be very different, that's for sure.


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #1 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 01:43:58 Nachmittag »
:shock: hey what drug is that? i wanna have it, too!  :laugh:

but seriously: i cant think of how the world would be because if we had a caramel core, wo would have to consider an entirely different evolution... means we wouldnt be humanoid or anything like that and the rest of the planets creatues would definitely look very different, too. many of them would have to have a caramel core like we do.

but assuming that your idea was that WE and the rest of the world would remain the way it is EXCEPT that we now have these centers of chewy caramel, right? then i assume - uh what the hell just tell me what drug youve been taking!!

The Metal RN

  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #2 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 02:40:38 Nachmittag »
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll????? :wink:


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #3 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 04:37:01 Nachmittag »
I haven't been taking any drugs, except for Penicillin.  I was just cruising around Neopets and suddenly that thought popped into my head.

D'you think primates would have a delicious, chocolate center, then?


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #4 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 09:21:11 Nachmittag »
Probably wouldn't be anybody left because with a chewy carmel center cannibalism would have never gone out of fashion.


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #5 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 10:46:40 Nachmittag »
Ahh, but if we have a chewey, caramel center, then who's to say we'd want to eat it?  Really, who here likes the taste of blood and viscera?  The very idea of eating -that- kind of icks me out.  So it logically follows that if we had a chewey, caramel center, the idea of eating caramel would be pretty much repulsive.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we'd be candy people, hunting candy animals and eating candy veggies, and we'd still find cannibalism repugnant.


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #6 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 10:57:40 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"

Really, who here likes the taste of blood and viscera?

I like my steaks bloody.




  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #7 am: Oktober 20, 2004, 10:58:09 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"
 Really, who here likes the taste of blood and viscera?  

Well, I like my beef still mooing. Plus how do you account for Pate, Tripe, Sweetbreads, Liver & Onions, or Monkey brain and Dog as a delicacy?


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #8 am: Oktober 21, 2004, 01:29:41 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "Metalmaiden"
Well, I like my beef still mooing. Plus how do you account for Pate, Tripe, Sweetbreads, Liver & Onions, or Monkey brain and Dog as a delicacy?

Gah. That really turned my vegetarian stomach!! :)


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #9 am: Oktober 21, 2004, 03:03:32 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "evilshell"
Zitat von: "Metalmaiden"
Well, I like my beef still mooing. Plus how do you account for Pate, Tripe, Sweetbreads, Liver & Onions, or Monkey brain and Dog as a delicacy?

Gah. That really turned my vegetarian stomach!! :)

That turned my stomach and I'm not a vegetarian.  Whoever decided those items would make good food is insane.  That goes for the guy who decided Haggis would be a good idea.  Oh, and the one that looked at a snail and thought "Hey, I bet we could eat that and claim it's a delicacy!"  Eugh.


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #10 am: Oktober 21, 2004, 03:39:27 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"
Zitat von: "evilshell"
Zitat von: "Metalmaiden"
Well, I like my beef still mooing. Plus how do you account for Pate, Tripe, Sweetbreads, Liver & Onions, or Monkey brain and Dog as a delicacy?

Gah. That really turned my vegetarian stomach!! :)

That turned my stomach and I'm not a vegetarian.  Whoever decided those items would make good food is insane.  That goes for the guy who decided Haggis would be a good idea.  Oh, and the one that looked at a snail and thought "Hey, I bet we could eat that and claim it's a delicacy!"  Eugh.

I love snails with garlic butter....but the rest of the list, (minus the steak,  sorry evilshell) is  disgusting! Can't see how people eat it!  *gag*
 I guess everybody tastes are different . haha  Ever hear of "Rocky Mountain Oysters"?  :dead:  They are not going to pass these lips!!!!


  • Gast
(very) Random Musings
« Antwort #11 am: Oktober 21, 2004, 07:18:53 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "Metalmaiden"
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"
Zitat von: "evilshell"
Zitat von: "Metalmaiden"
Well, I like my beef still mooing. Plus how do you account for Pate, Tripe, Sweetbreads, Liver & Onions, or Monkey brain and Dog as a delicacy?

Gah. That really turned my vegetarian stomach!! :)

That turned my stomach and I'm not a vegetarian.  Whoever decided those items would make good food is insane.  That goes for the guy who decided Haggis would be a good idea.  Oh, and the one that looked at a snail and thought "Hey, I bet we could eat that and claim it's a delicacy!"  Eugh.

I love snails with garlic butter....but the rest of the list, (minus the steak,  sorry evilshell) is  disgusting! Can't see how people eat it!  *gag*
 I guess everybody tastes are different . haha  Ever hear of "Rocky Mountain Oysters"?  :dead:  They are not going to pass these lips!!!!

Yes I have, and I too, refuse to ever try them.