Autor Thema: First post on the new Falconer board...  (Gelesen 57737 mal)


  • Gast
First post on the new Falconer board...
« Antwort #75 am: Oktober 02, 2004, 02:56:03 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "grym"
"try before you buy".

Yeah! That's actually my point too in downloading this stuff. I agree.

And concerning "Immortel" or "Immortal ad vitam" or "Immortal" (many similar titles for one and the same movie!): I looked for it via emule and was successful. Now it's a matter of time until I can judge the movie myself.


  • Gast
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« Antwort #76 am: Oktober 02, 2004, 06:19:11 Nachmittag »
Well Tex if that is the truth I might just as well get it via
That´s where I found the French DVD but it did not say which languages are on it and being a little prejudiced I thought nawww you dont wanna buy this disc and end up not being able to watch the bloomin english version.

I trust you on your DVD knowledge, Tex, but I still would rather wait some more time for a German release.
Just makes me feel more comfortable  :wink:


  • Gast
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« Antwort #77 am: Oktober 02, 2004, 06:21:36 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "<Horus-Nikopol>"
Well Tex if that is the truth I might just as well get it via
That´s where I found the French DVD but it did not say which languages are on it and being a little prejudiced I thought nawww you dont wanna buy this disc and end up not being able to watch the bloomin english version.

There is such thing as email. Ever considered asking the guys or gals at




  • Gast
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« Antwort #78 am: Oktober 02, 2004, 06:25:37 Nachmittag »
yea I have. As ultima ratio so to speak


  • Gast
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« Antwort #79 am: Oktober 02, 2004, 10:27:39 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"
You saw DF live?  You lucky &#%@er.  :P   I wish they'd tour the US.

Nyahahahaha :tongue:
You can take revenge in the fact that they are the first Power Metal band to  tour the UK since Helloween in 1987 - I had to go all the way to Sweden in the summer to see Lost Horizon, Children of Bodom, Nightwish etc.
(If only I'd gone last year I'd have seen Falconer....curses)

And to whomever asked me - I love Rhapsody, but the new album is a bit disappointing - not enough guitar, boring drums (again), recycled least there's proper bass playing this time around though.


  • Gast
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« Antwort #80 am: Oktober 03, 2004, 08:41:18 Vormittag »
I use DC++ to get new music, to check it out. If I like it I buy it.
The 20 lastest albums I have bought, I have had them all on Mp3.


  • Gast
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« Antwort #81 am: Oktober 03, 2004, 08:42:56 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "Radagast"

You can take revenge in the fact that they are the first Power Metal band to  tour the UK since Helloween in 1987 - I had to go all the way to Sweden in the summer to see Lost Horizon, Children of Bodom, Nightwish etc.
(If only I'd gone last year I'd have seen Falconer....curses)

I saw Falconer  :lol:
And I was on Sweden Rock this year 2 :)
Awesome festival!


  • Gast
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« Antwort #82 am: Oktober 04, 2004, 01:05:22 Vormittag »
Fuck yeah!

Lost Horizon
Judas Priest



  • Gast
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« Antwort #83 am: Oktober 04, 2004, 07:21:56 Vormittag »
@ Hor-Nick  --
Immortal is supposedly being released in the US this month. I hope to get to see it.

Also, I forget, did anybody suggest the band Fairyland to you?  (Like you haven't gotten enough suggestions already to keep you busy  for months.) The  musical style and theme might be one you'd like.  Although the lineup has under gone a big change this year  I really  like their  2003 CD  "Of Wars In Osyhria".


  • Gast
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« Antwort #84 am: Oktober 04, 2004, 05:00:27 Nachmittag »
Immortal in US theaters? How unfair is that? This movie was a European co-production and now the only countries that are gonna release it are France, Switzerland and America?? Something funny must be going on. But no hard feelings here, I´m glad you might get to see this weird yet cool movie in the cinema.
Fairlyland... (makes a little note) gonna get some, thanks!

A new friend of mine who is also into power metal got me some new music, too, when we had our metal friday with enough beer and cds... the gods are certainly on my side.
A VERY cool Cd IMHO is Prophet of the Last Eclipse by Luca Tuirilli and many guest choirs and musicians. I couldn´t believe how awesome the songs were kicking in, because I think Rhapsody is quite ... well, they´re no Falconer or similar... knowhatimsayin?

Yeah, so - things are going fine!! :D


  • Gast
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« Antwort #85 am: Oktober 04, 2004, 05:05:38 Nachmittag »
Fairyland is awesome! :D
Seen them live also.
Luca Turilli kicks ass, got the Prophet Of The Last Eclipse album original :)
Just waiting for the new album  :D


  • Gast
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« Antwort #86 am: Oktober 04, 2004, 11:14:37 Nachmittag »
Prophet of the Last Eclipse can't touch Luca's first solo effore IMO.

What/who do Fairyland sound like?


  • Gast
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« Antwort #87 am: Oktober 04, 2004, 11:37:16 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "Metal"
Fairyland is awesome! :D
Seen them live also.

Me too. Sweden Rock, right? I've got pictures! 8)


  • Gast
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« Antwort #88 am: Oktober 05, 2004, 05:45:48 Nachmittag »
Metal, do you post on the DragonForce forums?


  • Gast
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« Antwort #89 am: Oktober 05, 2004, 07:31:23 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "Radagast"
Prophet of the Last Eclipse can't touch Luca's first solo effore IMO.

What/who do Fairyland sound like?

I actually agree on that :)
NP: Luca Turilli - Kings Of The Nordic Twilight

Fairyland is very fantasy, epic .. hard to describe.. you have to check them out! Really a awesome band.