Well, I did a search and I didn't find a member pictures thread, so I think I'll start one! Yes, that means I don't mind having my picture floating about the internet. :D Also, I'm a photowhore - I LOVE having my pictures taken and then showing them to people. Ego thing, I suppose.
So here goes it...
I went to London over the summer, and one place I visited was Windsor. Here's a view from the castle ramparts overlooking Eaton.
Guinness in a London Pub. I HAD to do it. Incidentally, my meal was FIsh and Chips too. Heeee!
Annnnnd here's one from a month or so ago. Err...I'm dressed like that because we were on our way to a Pimps 'n Hos party. Sorry for the picture quality. Got grainy after I resized it. Oh, the guy in the pic is my boyfriend. He looks a little like Marco Hietala from Nightwish, doesn't he?