Autor Thema: a MiNDTrAVELER story  (Gelesen 4688 mal)


  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« am: Juni 10, 2006, 11:57:18 Nachmittag »
i was bored soi gave Mathias a clarion call, but he lost his homestead. So i flew on wings of serenity across the northland. But i was stopped before i entered the glade by the mindtraveler. He said, for me to find the lord of the blacksmith, and if i needed help, I should just follow the trail of flames.  But the blacksmith was killed under the sword, and buried in a grave of guilt. I could do nothing but stand in veneration, not even the lament of the ministrel could help . So for life and liberty i stole the sceptre of deception and sailed away on the royal galley on a quest to find the crown. But i was sucked into the portals of light.  :roll:


  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #1 am: Juni 11, 2006, 03:16:58 Vormittag »
That is the single most awesom thing I have ever heard!


  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #2 am: Juni 11, 2006, 05:22:53 Vormittag »
Wow... congradulations on that good sir. That is the pure greatest thing in the history of all humanity. I only wish I had those mad skills. Good job!  8)

Nightmares Desire

  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #3 am: Juni 12, 2006, 07:52:09 Vormittag »
Interesting. However, after being sucked into a portal of light, did you find a substitutional world?  Remember, the past still lives on, while we revel in the decadence of our dignity.  And i think the child of the wild is currently knawing on my leg..........

Yeah, bored XD.


  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #4 am: Juni 12, 2006, 11:15:44 Nachmittag »
Zitat von: "Nightmares Desire"
Interesting. However, after being sucked into a portal of light, did you find a substitutional world?  Remember, the past still lives on, while we revel in the decadence of our dignity.  And i think the child of the wild is currently knawing on my leg..........

Yeah, bored XD.

hehe :) very nice


  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #5 am: Juni 12, 2006, 11:39:16 Nachmittag »
Once in the portals of light, I began to explore the Substitutional World! ( courtesy of Nightmare Desire   :)  I was immediately Busted to the Floor by an Assailant  who turned out to be Jack the Ripper.
      After my Return to conciousness, I hoped the Child of Innocence would Hear me Pray, to never let those Purgatory times of the Night of infamy return. But, he said , " I refuse, I shed no tears for strangers! "
      Again floating on my Wings of Serenity, across Emotional Skies, I hoped to make it to the Coronation in the Fortress of LIght.  In mid flight , I was stopped by none other than the Child of the Wild and he said............

Nightmares Desire

  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #6 am: Juni 14, 2006, 03:32:56 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "miked79"
 In mid flight , I was stopped by none other than the Child of the Wild and he said............
Rinny's leg tastes really good........

And YAY, Jack the Ripper


  • Gast
a MiNDTrAVELER story
« Antwort #7 am: Juni 14, 2006, 09:48:31 Vormittag »
Aaargh my poor, poor brain.