Found on Websters On-line Dictonary
One entry found for knave.
Main Entry: knave
Pronunciation: 'nAv
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cnafa; akin to Old High German knabo boy
1 archaic a : a boy servant b : a male servant c : a man of humble birth or position
2 : a tricky deceitful fellow
3 : JACK 6a
Also, the way knave is worded in the song it can be interpeted as referencing a single person, which after seeing Stephans post I think was the intention. But it can also reference a collection or group of people. It depends on how it was written and how it was interpeted by the reader.
As far as Mike Moore is concerned, I didn't see F 9/11. Mr Moore knew that he could make millions by exploiting the unpopularity of the current American president. That movie is no more fair and accurate than what you would hear on the Factor. I'll listen to what he has to say, but I'll keep it in context by keeping in mind that he had a lot to gain by stirring the pot.
I'll look for the site tonight. I blew my Linux box away to test Vista RC1, which by the way is a resource hog. Its not as bad as Beta2 though. Yeah, I'm a geek
BTW: Stefan. Thanks for the clarification. I'll be the first in line to grab your new CD when it hits the streets.