There is an anti-depressant here in the US that a lot of people use called Wellbutrin ( I will give you the chemical name later) A lot seem to use that as well as counselling. Many people try many different things, (I do not smoke so remember that I have no frame of reference). But working in psychology and knowing an amount about addictions, (again only from work, I really am pretty straightt, never really did anything), I think that this might help.
1) figure out how many cigarretes you smoke a day (lets say 20, a pack)
2) Each week decide to smoke one less per day (next week 19/day, then 18/day, etc.)
3)Eventually you will be down to zero
4) granted this seems simple but it does take a long time, in this case 20 weeks, you will accoustom your body to slowly depend on less nicotine, and you will be more likely to not pick up smoking so fast. There are also a lot of habits that you probably have with smoking, after a meal, sex, driving etc. These will be the hardest times to not pick up a cigarette because you have associated something with it. I know people who have stopped smoking for years and they still say they have an urge to smoke when they go out to clubs because they used to smoke in that setting and it "just feels right", thisa is an example of what I am talking about.
Good luck to all, I have seen how hard it is.