Change is something that is only appreciated when it's used as a slogan for a presidential election :P No, just kidding, let's leave politics out of here!
I have to admit, I sometimes feel like Angel too because I'm not really sure how Falconer could really top their existing sound. But on the other hand, I sometimes fantasize about what else could possibly be done by a skilled songwriter like Stefan (and the band) and a acomplished singer like Mathias.
"Home of the Knave", you guys know the party between the verses, where Mathias does this oriental sounding "lalala" singing pattern. It's awesome! It's distinctive! So what if Falconer would put other ethnical musical influences into their music? A dangerous experiment indeed, for it could totally change the sound. But a really balanced mix of new influences and old strenghts could maybe even reforge the mighty sound of their power belts and magic rings
So that's the idea with "ethnical musical influences from other cultures" (didn't the old vikings travel all around the world by the way?!
Another idea I have is this whole "Dreams and Pyres" thing. I mean, that song is huge! Why not try something even bigger with more vocalists? Okay, it's really a lot of preproduction work and everybody needs to be available at the right time and so on. But what a interesting project that would be! It needn't be for a whole album, just a song. Or wait a minute... why not a whole album, just like "Scepter of Deception". Different characters/roles sung by different vocalists. Many members here have said it before, I've mentioned it too - it would be such an awesome thing, something so extremely special, if a project like that would include all the vocalists Stefan has worked with in the past. Mathias, Krisstofer, Rickard... yeah, their singing styles are very different, but still, it could perhaps work out. Wow, some "descend into madness" concept comes to my mind right now, with Mathias being the voice of the troubled but still normal character, Kriss being the same person only engulfed in a sea of madness and despair and Rickard finally being the one who unleashes all insanity :D Yeah, I'm just babbling.
Okay this is just me playing with some ideas.
Anyways, one thing's for sure: each and every single member of this board is really anticipating new material from Falconer and everybody will most definitely check it out. I totally trust in Stefans songwriting skills. This is gonna rock!