Your AngelOfMusic done gone and sung herself a song. things to know:
- The karaoke DJ had equipment that SUPPOSEDLY lowered the vocals in the mix on any given CD. Which means you could hand the guy a CD of your choice (Falconer, HammerFall, Emperor, Nightwish, etc...) and he could lower the vocals so that it sounded close enough to an instrumental karaoke track. I couldn't hear a thing while on stage. However, Mathias' vocals are clearly audible on the video, so apparently the DJ's equipment did NOT lower the vocals in the mix for those standing in the audience.
- I have nitpicked the f*ck out of this video, and have found a lot wrong with it. I'm also not pleased at my very visible weight gain. Amongst other things. I'll avoid pointing out the things that bother me about my performance, both vocally and physically in case they are flaws only caught by myself. I don't want to go giving you stuff to find wrong with it. Any glaringly obvious faults will be seen by all. I don't need to go pointing out more. But the point is, *I* know what's wrong with it, and it irks me. Hopefully you all like it more than I do at this point.
- I had fun!