Autor Thema: monthly check in guys and gals!!!!  (Gelesen 203173 mal)


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #255 am: Oktober 19, 2005, 09:00:01 Nachmittag »
Ah Prab, we both rambled!  :lol:

Well you can talk to me about relationship woes, I've been there/done that!
Do you have MSN or AIM?

(And just for the record, everyone else, I don't have this "oh poor me" mindset.  I just think about relationships and what I'm doing/where I'm going, etc...but I don't feel bad about myself. ;))


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #256 am: Oktober 19, 2005, 09:31:16 Nachmittag »
I've always thought, that it is just good that I've kept my self from dating/romantic relationships (seriously, it was a rational decision when I started high school over 2 yrs ago). But you know, althought relationships don't always end well and nothing lasts forever imo, there must be good moments too. And good moments are worth a lot of bad moments, at least it seems so.
And hey, you can't win if you don't even play, right?...


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #257 am: Oktober 20, 2005, 07:01:43 Nachmittag »
My dear Virva, I agree absolutely!
This is so true....
He who doesn't dare has no chance to win.

*listens to Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Tear"* *sighs*


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #258 am: Oktober 24, 2005, 05:20:41 Vormittag »
I thought I'd post a quick update on my hun, as he doesn't have computer acess and we spoke last night.

Ryan (TDS) is doing okay. He's down in New Orleans helping with stuff. He's healthy and in high spirits. And he misses all of you very much.

For my monthly (okay, a few months late lol) check-in, same old, same old. Still in school, no job and counting down the days until I see Opeth, I turn 19, and Ryan comes to visit.

This Dying Soul

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #259 am: November 07, 2005, 05:55:06 Vormittag »
hey all!!! finally got an internet down here that I can use to keep in touch with every one in the internet world. I just thought to stop in and let every one know what is going on..

I am down in new orleans doing disaster responce work to help in effort to try to bring back these poor people a community that they once called home.. i have been down here in the storm area for two months working day and night to accomplish this, though it seems that we have done alot, we have yet to even scratch the surface. the damage that hurricane Katrina and Rita both have created is beyond that of immence and insane.. imagine an A bomb dropping in your city and times that by 10 and you have something worse and beyond that of hiroshima and the other city in japan that the U.S bombed (like morons I will say). life has truly ceased to exist here. and it is scary because you feel a true sence of being alone in the world. a world where there was laughter and happieness once... a world full of life, a world built by people, and the lives that went with everything is all now just a mere memory.. scary in truth..

and yet another hit and this one personally for me is hard... I lost my mother this last week... and it is something hard to fathom at this present... to think that you go throw life, hearing of deaths and people dying every day, to know that you your self is dying. seeing people that you know and care and or love dissapear to the fate of death, is something we deal with every day. but to lose the closest thing in your life to you that creates your foundation, your mother or your father, is just something you never think about..

so if you still have a mother and a father then please.. embrace them every day from here on out like it is your last time to do so.. because it just may be.... dont take advantage of the thought that they will be here forever. because they as well as everything else in life, will leave  you...

so with that I hope all is well with every one. and that your lives are being kind to you.. take care and miss you all so much.. Im sorry to have angered people here in the past months....

This Dying Soul

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #260 am: November 07, 2005, 05:56:57 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "TexJoachim"
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"
I recently found out that statistically, if a person isn't married by 25, their chances of getting married are very low.

I'm definitely older than 25.
And I married last month.



DAD congratulations on your marriage.. i hope that you and your new wife will truly find happieness in life.. and that it will last until the end of your days....

best wishes old man,,, and again congrats


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #261 am: November 07, 2005, 06:13:00 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "This Dying Soul"

and yet another hit and this one personally for me is hard... I lost my mother this last week... and it is something hard to fathom at this present... to think that you go throw life, hearing of deaths and people dying every day, to know that you your self is dying. seeing people that you know and care and or love dissapear to the fate of death, is something we deal with every day. but to lose the closest thing in your life to you that creates your foundation, your mother or your father, is just something you never think about..

It's something I ALWAYS think about.  Because my parents had me much later in their lives.  Last year they went over existing funds and stocks and whatnot so I know where all the money is in case one, or both of them should die.

Belive me, I think of it ALOT.  And I wish that, at this age, it wasn't something I had to think about.  Most people my age have no idea how lucky they are to have (relatively) young, healthy parents.  

You have my sympathy.  I can't imagine life without my mom, and I don't WANT to imagine life without my mom.


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #262 am: November 07, 2005, 08:16:21 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"

It's something I ALWAYS think about.  Because my parents had me much later in their lives.  Last year they went over existing funds and stocks and whatnot so I know where all the money is in case one, or both of them should die.

Belive me, I think of it ALOT.  And I wish that, at this age, it wasn't something I had to think about.  Most people my age have no idea how lucky they are to have (relatively) young, healthy parents.  

You have my sympathy.  I can't imagine life without my mom, and I don't WANT to imagine life without my mom.

No one's life is perfect, and things usually just happen. But I know what you mean, my mom is old too, compared to other parents of kids at my age. It's hard to accept your parents death(or chilrends, if it should come to that) in any case, but... That's just something that will happen to most of us, for some it has happened way too early, and that is a great shame...
Death is a part of life, though it doesn't make it any easier, but...

This Dying Soul

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #263 am: November 07, 2005, 11:47:39 Vormittag »
Zitat von: "AngelOfMusic"
Zitat von: "This Dying Soul"

and yet another hit and this one personally for me is hard... I lost my mother this last week... and it is something hard to fathom at this present... to think that you go throw life, hearing of deaths and people dying every day, to know that you your self is dying. seeing people that you know and care and or love dissapear to the fate of death, is something we deal with every day. but to lose the closest thing in your life to you that creates your foundation, your mother or your father, is just something you never think about..

It's something I ALWAYS think about.  Because my parents had me much later in their lives.  Last year they went over existing funds and stocks and whatnot so I know where all the money is in case one, or both of them should die.

Belive me, I think of it ALOT.  And I wish that, at this age, it wasn't something I had to think about.  Most people my age have no idea how lucky they are to have (relatively) young, healthy parents.  

You have my sympathy.  I can't imagine life without my mom, and I don't WANT to imagine life without my mom.

I am sorry that your parents had waited so long for them to have you............ I have other friends whos parents waited till they were older to have children as well.. or just started early and had many children, like my father who is 54 this november 18th and has a son who is only 14 years old... and for my full blooded sister who is 21 also sharing my pain in losing our mother...

again I hope that you are able to take every day as their last here with you... and thanks for the kind, yet true words....... if there is one thing that I have learned over the last few months it is to take things for the truth and not to expect words to be sugar coated...

The Metal RN

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #264 am: November 07, 2005, 11:44:05 Nachmittag »
Ryan- I am sorry to hear for your loss. Co-incidentally, I was just talking to metalmaiden th eother day about wanting to spend some more time hanging out with my dad. I can feel for you. You never know when circumstances will change, or what you will miss when it is not there.  Take care of yourself and there is always an ear(s) for ya here.
Sounds like you are doing a great job down south, keep it up!!!


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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #265 am: November 14, 2005, 10:38:43 Nachmittag »
Hello there, hows everyone? I hope everyone is alrigty, health and okidoki.... i havent been here for a while, to bussy with lots of stuff and things.... hopefuly everyting is gonna work out fine.

dorian jane

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #266 am: November 16, 2005, 01:57:26 Vormittag »

Offline Odin

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #267 am: November 17, 2005, 01:46:23 Nachmittag »
Welcome back, Mas.

Unfortunately I haven't been so well recently. Was off for the weekend (saturday to monday) for a little time for myself, free the head etc. Just booked flight to Faro/Portugal and back and organized place to sleep etc. after arrival in the late evening. English isn't that common there, I found out. ;)
Anyway, that was a nice - while too short, of course - trip. But back at work on tuesday everything towered over me again and to top that I went to the doctor at 12 o'clock, because I felt like shit and had to run to the toilet every few minutes. Doc said stay at home until friday at least, this and that, probably an infection etc. Well, after coming home, it got way worse and I puked all hell out of me until 10pm or so. Damn, can't remember when I last felt that bad. Lost 2,5kg in 2 days. I'm much better now, at least I have some hunger again and don't have to throw up anymore. Phew.

But now for something more pleasant, please. ;)
God of Wisdom, God of War
Inspiration, Madness, Anger
The Wanderer among mortals
Bringer of eternal victory

dorian jane

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #268 am: November 17, 2005, 09:36:45 Nachmittag »
I wish you a fast recovery Odin ..what have you been eating in Portugal? foreign food some times gets to you..ah anyway, i hope you're feeling much better now.

The Metal RN

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monthly check in guys and gals!!!!
« Antwort #269 am: November 18, 2005, 02:44:59 Vormittag »
I would say the same as an assessment of your situation. Hope you feel better man!!!

Looking forward to the end of the semester and the start of my final semester in January. Still have to work on my thesis, but I feel confident that it will get done in time. Hope all are well! We just found out that Sonata Arctica are playing twice in our area in the next few months!!! Woo Hooo!!! Looking forward to seeing Trans Siberian Orchestra in a few weeks as well.