Oh, lots of strange news these days... Sorry thing with your shoulder, MetalMaiden! :( Of course I add my few cents to the best wishes for your recovery.
And MetalRN - you have the opposite problem of me then, for I do have internet access in the office ONLY and not at home still...
@Ryan: Oh, well, the car I damaged some days ago (when fresh snow was falling onto the icy street and it was half past twelve in the night and stuff...) is a different one than that crappy Volkswagen I had so much trouble with... Got rid of that one about a year ago, luckily. The current one is all perfect - only the driver was a bit out of control for a second and wham - that's it. Will have it fixed next month, I think. It's nothing big in the end, but costs a fortune, because of the necessary spare parts and painting issue...
@MetalRN: Oh, yes, I moved into the new B4M headquarters at the beginning of this month! I think you saw the post around the corner, where I invited to a initiation party or something (what I had to cancel unfortunately)..?