Autor Thema: Falconer Music Video  (Gelesen 3027 mal)

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Falconer Music Video
« am: Mai 01, 2009, 07:58:48 Nachmittag »
Had to make a video for my high school Communications Technologies class, so my group decided on who else but FALCONER! I figured someone on here might get a kick out of it, we had loads of fun making it. :)
(Might have to click 10 seconds or so into the movie for it to work, Mac did something wierd exporting it. Hate macs..)

Stefan, you did say executioners sometimes were criminals who got the choice of being an executioner, right? Thats how we explained it to the teacher who got confused   :icon_razz:

Stefan W

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Re: Falconer Music Video
« Antwort #1 am: Mai 09, 2009, 04:03:50 Nachmittag »
Yes, that´s right. Don't know how common it was or it was like that all over the globe though.