It's true! I'm going away! But only for about a week. You see, I'm having Jaw surgery on Wednesday the 20th of this month (that's tomorrow...I don't wanna!) and I certainly won't be on while in the hospital, and I have no idea how I'm going to feel once I get to go home.
So here's the story:
I'm having what's called a maxillary osteotomy. What it does is reposition the upper jaw into a more normal, anotomical and functional relationship with my lower jaw and other facial structures. Apparently my profile will look nicer, too.
They showed me what they were going to do, which basically ammounted to stuff being removed and moved around. I'm starting to get nervous, though.
Also, here's a list of possible side effects:
allergic reactions to medication (I hope not!)
Diminished sense of smell (I don't have much of one as it is...)
Change in cosmetic appearence (They assure me I'll look fine)
inflammation of veins used for IV fluids and medications
Changes in speech patterns
numbness, tingling, burning, or altered sensation to upper lip, teeth, bums, nose and cheek areas (usually temporary)
Injury to teeth which might necessitate root canals or loss of teeth (They claim this hasn't happened to any of their patients)
Loss of tissue or bone (Well, they're removing some bone as it is...)
Nasal septal deviation (Surgeon claims he's only ever had ONE patient with this problem)
Infection or sinus problems (that's why they're giving me antibiotics)
Bone plates and screws used to stabilize upper jaw (I'm told it won't set off airport security! heh)
relapse - muscles and other factors try to pull jaw to pre-surgery position (Surgeon claims this hardly ever happens with upper-jaw surgery patients)
Bronchitis, pneumonia, horaseness or voice changes, cardiac irregularities, heart attack or even death (from the Anesthesia)
So that's the long and short of what COULD happen. But I think I'll be fine. Just hurting for a week or two. And swollen. VERY swollen. Like a puffer fish.
In addition to all that, I'll be filled full of tubes. In my veins, up my nose and parts of my body. Hopefully I'll be too drugged up to notice, or care. They say I'll be in the hospital approximately one to two days. I fully expect my body to be ready to go home on Thursday, but I don't know that my body will agree with my brain. It had better. I don't want to be in the hospital AT ALL. In fact, I'd be happier if this was an in and out kind of procedure, but it's not.
Oh well, at least I won't be wired shut. I'll just have to wear a splint on my upper teeth for 4-6 weeks. Bah! Better than being wired, at least!
I'll see you all again once I'm able to sit at the computer again.